

Article I: Name, Boundaries, Membership, Purpose

  1. The name of the organization shall be the Shepard Boulevard Neighborhood Association.
  2. The neighborhood boundaries run from the southeast corner of the Moon Valley Heights Neighborhood Association south along Highway 63 to Stadium Boulevard, west to Old Highway 63, north to Hinkson Creek, then east on Hinkson Creek to Hominy Branch Creek, and following it east to the boundary of the Moon Valley Heights Neighborhood Association, and then following its boundaries south and east to its southeast corner.
  3. Every person aged 18 or above who resides, leases commercial premises, or owns real estate in the neighborhood shall be a member and shall have one vote at annual and special meetings.
  4. The purpose of the Association is to facilitate communication among members and between members and the City of Columbia, and to identify, consider, and take appropriate action on matters of neighborhood concern.

Article II: Officers, Executive Board

  1. Chair: The Chair shall preside at annual and special meetings, and meetings of the Executive Board, appoint ad hoc committees, and act as the Association's chief executive officer.
  2. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair, or by the Chair's request, and shall become the chair if the Executive Board by majority vote declares that the Chair position is vacant.
  3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association, handle correspondence, and prepare meeting notices, newspaper ads, and news releases.
  4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall handle all funds, keep records thereof, and report the Association's finances at each annual meeting and when requested by the Chair. The Chair or Vice Chair must approve all disbursements of Association funds.
  5. Representatives: One Representative shall be elected from each of the following sections of the neighborhood:
    1. north of Shepard Boulevard,
    2. south of Shepard Boulevard, west from Highway 63 through the west side of Falcon Drive, and
    3. south of Shepard Boulevard, east side of Danforth Drive west to Old 63.
  6. Representatives shall develop means to determine concerns in their sections and present them to the Executive Board for appropriate actions.
    These officers constitute the Executive Board which shall meet as needed.
  7. Election of officers shall take place at the annual meeting. Vacancies shall be filled by the Chair's appointment.
  8. Each officer shall serve until the next annual meeting. If there is no annual meeting, any officer whose term was to expire at said meeting may call a special meeting for the purpose of electing officers.

Article III: Meetings

  1. There shall be an annual meeting between January 15 and April 15 to elect officers and conduct other business, with 10 days' notice in accordance with Article IV.
  2. The Executive Board will present candidates for each office on separate ballots. Any member may submit a written nomination for any office. If no candidate secures a majority of votes casts, there shall be a run-off election between the top two candidates. If a tie then results, the issue will be resolved by a coin toss.
  3. Upon his/her initiative, or upon the request of six members, the Chair shall promptly call a special meeting, with a minimum of five days' notice, including the exclusive purpose(s) of the meeting, in accordance with Article IV.
  4. If any officer calls for an Executive Board meeting, the Chair or Vice Chair shall, with prompt notice to all members, convene one within five days.
  5. A quorum for any meeting shall consist of six members present, including* at least two members of the Executive Board.
  6. Members may vote by proxy, which must be received by the Secretary prior to the meeting.
  7. A simple majority suffices for all Association decisions.

Article IV: Notice

  1. As notice for annual and special meetings, the Executive Board shall utilize e-mail, newsletter and/or Website communication, may place signs in the officers' yards and in other conspicuous locations, and may use other communications methods deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.* These notices* shall state the time, place, and date of the meeting; the agenda for annual meetings; the purpose(s) of special meetings; and the text of any proposed amendment(s) to the BYLAWS.
  2. The Secretary shall request Columbia daily newspaper(s) to publicize the time, place, and date of the meeting.
  3. Any member who desires notice by mail may give the Secretary a sufficient supply of self-addressed, stamped envelopes.

Article V: Principal Office

  1. The principal office shall be located at the Chair's home.
  2. The minutes, correspondence, and other than financial records shall be kept at the Secretary's home.
  3. The financial records shall be kept at the Treasurer's home.

Article VI: Dues

The Executive Board, prior to the annual meeting, shall establish the voluntary dues for the year.

Article VII: Amendments

These BYLAWS may be amended, repealed, or new bylaws adopted by the majority vote of the members at any annual or special meeting, provided that written notice of the contemplated change(s) is included in the notice of the meeting.

Article VIII: Dissolution

If there is no election of officers for a period of 25 consecutive months, the Association shall be considered dissolved.

Adopted the 31st day of January, 1995.
Amended April 9, 1996.
*Amended March 31, 2009.
 Jim Muench, Chair

JFM 04/12/2011