Monday, June 3, 2013

Shepard Neighborhood Garage Sale June 15, 2013

Our annual neighborhood garage sale is Sat. June 15.  Contact Susie Robison if you plan to participate at  This will ensure that directional signage will point the way to your family's sale.  The neighborhood is paying for a general sale ad in the Columbia Daily Tribune.  A listing is also going on  I think we're advertising the sale from 8am-1 pm, so be prepared for early shoppers roaming the neigbhorhood and waiting for those garage doors to open!

If you change email addresses or know of any neighbors who would like to be on our email list for the Shepard Boulevard Neighborhood Association, please get in touch with Beth Cunningham, our association's secretary. We have new neighbors moving in at various times, so if you meet someone new to Shepard, please invite them to be part of our association.  We will always send notices using blind copy, so your email address is protected and will not be shared beyond the neighborhood's elected officers.

A question was asked about annual neighborhood association dues. While it's voluntary, we ask each household to pitch in $5 each year to help with association costs, which include placing ad sales in the newspaper and other costs that might incur throughout the year.  You can pay at the annual picnic or annual meeting.  Or, contact any of the association officers and our treasurer will deposit dues into our neighborhood association bank account.